Forward Together WI Fall Convening 2024: Making Sustainable Attainable

Submitted by on Fri, 09/27/2024 - 21:40
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Venue Name
Baird Center
Venue Address
400 West Wisconsin Ave.
Venue City
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Register URL
Forward Together Wisconsin and AIA Wisconsin
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["a",["href","https:\/\/\/e\/forward-together-wi-fall-convening-2024-making-sustainable-attainable-tickets-976128455487?aff=oddtdtcreator","target","_blank"]],["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Forward Together Wisconsin will be convening local and national stakeholders in Wisconsin to celebrate the successes of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), educate attendees on how to access federal funding to fight climate change while saving money, and create a collective call to action to ensure funding continues flowing into the state. We are excited to bring together federal and state agencies, philanthropic leaders, labor unions, advocacy organizations, community based organizations, school districts, county \u0026 municipal governments, leaders in green business, and more to engage in discussions about how to prioritize resources and technology reaching the households, communities and groups that need it most! "],[0,[0],1,"More information"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The following session has been approved for 1 LU."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Wednesday, October 9 at 12:45pm"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"How Direct Pay makes Funding available to Schools, Cities, and Non-profits for Eligible Clean Energy Projects"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Forward Together Wisconsin (FTW) Fall Convening will educate a diverse statewide audience about the impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to address climate change through investments to make more efficient buildings and create renewable energy. Key elements of the IRA highlighted in the presentations will include sessions about Elective Pay (Direct Pay) which, for the first time, provides credits to non-tax paying entities such as non-profits, schools, governments to build\/install energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In partnership with our national partners Undaunted K-12 and US Department of Treasury, FTW will explain how Direct Pay works and how this unlocks opportunities for innovative technologies like ground source heat pumps (geothermal) and solar panels making these projects price completive with alternative options based on upfront costs alone. This presentation will also feature the Menasha School District and Forest Edge Elementary Schools to explain how these technologies and related IRA funding are making them financially viable."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Learning Objectives:"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"Examine the relevant aspects of the Inflation Reduction Act for to support new or retrofit construction of energy efficient buildings."]],[[0,[],0,"Identify who benefits from the Inflation Reduction Act\u0027s Elective Pay Program and which specific technologies are supported by this program."]],[[0,[],0,"Recognize the partnerships required and expected timeline for utilization of the Elective Pay (Direct Pay)."]],[[0,[],0,"Explore specific case studies of how projects have incorporated the Elective Pay funded technologies."]]]]]}
Event Type
Featuring Presentations from Experts in the Inflation and Reduction Act, including Representatives from EPA, US Treasury, & Dept of Energy.
Members Only
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SEO Keywords
Sustainable, Inflation Reduction Act
Temp Draft
[{"updated_date":"2024-09-27T21:40:02+00:00","author_name":"Mary Orella","author_id":"28b885e0-b2ea-4f1a-80b3-dba264cc3504","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2024-09-27T21:40:28+00:00","author_name":"Mary Orella","author_id":"28b885e0-b2ea-4f1a-80b3-dba264cc3504","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2024-10-08T15:42:30+00:00","author_name":"Mary Orella","author_id":"28b885e0-b2ea-4f1a-80b3-dba264cc3504","action":"draft created"},{"updated_date":"2024-10-08T15:44:33+00:00","author_name":"Mary Orella","author_id":"28b885e0-b2ea-4f1a-80b3-dba264cc3504","action":null},{"updated-date":"2024-10-08T15:44:40+00:00","author-name":"Mary Orella","author-id":"28b885e0-b2ea-4f1a-80b3-dba264cc3504","action":"published"}]
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