First Quarter of 2024: Commitments, Collaborations, & Celebrations

Submitted by francissinon@g… on Mon, 04/15/2024 - 07:55
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The first quarter of the year has gone by in\nthe blink of an eye. The organization is excited to have begun the year with\nvarious events that foster commitment, collaboration, and celebrations. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"We elected a new set of officers and board\nmembers in January. Leading the organization is Tato Martinez as President and\nMateo Matanane as Vice President. Elmer Prudente and Cherika Garcia are\nSecretary Pro-Tem and Treasurer Pro-Tem respectively. Dominic Lizama and Virgel\nGascon are new Associate Board Members, who both want to promote, contribute,\nand serve the industry. Inna Wiese, immediate past president joins, Neil\nPaynter and Brent Wiese as Board Members. The new board vows to continue the\ncommitment of the AIA Marianas to serve the community and its members through\nvarious programs, events and advocacy efforts. Board orientation and meetings\nhave transpired and strategic planning is on the way. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"An annual event that occurs at the beginning\nof the year is the celebration of the Engineer, Architect, and Land Surveyor\n(EALS) Week. AIA Marianas participates in this week-long event with the Society\nof American Military Engineers (SAME). Members of the organization volunteer to\ngive career presentations to local \nstudents- this year Joe Pangelinan and Inna Wiese of RIM Architects\npresented to upper level classes at Guam High and Simon Sanchez High School."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The organization stays relevant on the\nnational level by attending annual events such as the AIA Leadership Summit,\nformerly called AIA Grassroots. This four day conference is the premier\nadvocacy and leadership training event organized by AIA National. It is\nspecifically designed for AIA chapter leaders, and aims to provide tools and\nresources to help attendees achieve their leadership potential within their\nchapters, communities, and the profession. Additionally,\nAIA National organizes \u201cHill Day\u201d, an avenue for advocacy for the profession.\nChapter representatives meet with their respective state leaders to discuss\nimportant legislation that affect architects and the practice of architecture.\nInna Wiese, who has done a great job cultivating national ties, accompanied\nVice President Mateo Matanane to the conference. They traveled more than a\nday\u2019s worth to attend various sessions and meet with different key players.\nFrom various workshops and sharing sessions Inna attended, she realized\ncomponents share similar challenges in membership, engagement and connectivity.\nIn Mateo\u2019s perspective, he realized the value of community involvement and the\nimportance of promoting the role of the AIA and architects in shaping the built\nenvironment, all which continue to be a challenge today. More of the\nrepresentatives\u2019 take-aways will be shared at the first quarter general\nmembership meeting in April. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"AIA Marianas celebrates important individual\nmilestones of two of its members who have served as its previous officers. We\ncongratulate Aaron Burger as Guam\u2019s newest registered architect and Inna Wiese\nas new principal of RIM Architects. Both these prestigious titles hold honor,\nresponsibility, and personal meaning. With Inna\u2019s achievement, she will\ncontinue to inspire, support, and advocate for pathways for emerging\nprofessionals to discover, thrive, and be leaders in architecture and the\ncommunity. For Aaron, the process toward licensure took 18 years to complete.\nHe attributes most of his success from hands-on experience working for\nengineers and construction management offices. Aaron passed his last exam in\nFebruary, three years after passing his first, and became Guam\u2019s 482nd\nArchitect. He looks forward to doing what he can to help number 483 cross that\nsame threshold in their career. Despite different journeys, it is proven that\ntheir passion and dedication for the craft and the community have allowed them\nto soar to new heights in the profession. We are excited and wish them the best\nof luck in their future endeavors. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\nOverall, the organization is proud of the contributions and achievements of its\nmembers individually and collectively as a whole. It hopes to continue creating\nimpact to its members and society. Make the most of your membership by staying\nconnected and involved! "]]]]}
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2024-2025 Officers and board members
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Commitments, Collaborations, & Celebrations
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[{"updated_date":"2024-04-15T07:55:19+00:00","author_name":"Francis Sinon","author_id":"f87354bf-c717-4cfd-9a43-12a272a950b6","action":"created"},{"updated-date":"2024-04-15T07:56:33+00:00","author-name":"Francis Sinon","author-id":"f87354bf-c717-4cfd-9a43-12a272a950b6","action":"published"}]
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