From the President

Submitted by Angie M. Monteleone on Thu, 02/08/2024 - 18:25
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["b"],["a",["href",""]],["a",["href",""]]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"I am honored to step into a new role as AIA Alaska\u2019s President.\nThank you, Tim Conrad, for your leadership and diplomacy this past year and\nyour continued expertise this coming year as Past President."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"We need new faces to grow the organization and there are a\nvariety of ways to make a "],[0,[0],1,"positive"],[0,[],0," "],[0,[0],1,"difference by"],[0,[],0," "],[0,[0],1,"volunteering."],[0,[],0,"\nGet involved and step outside your comfort zone. Chair or serve on a task force\nor committee, mentor, or simply participate at an AIA Alaska or section event.\nVolunteering can be as small as donating a few hours to a local event or\nsitting on a national AIA board."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This year AIA Alaska will be hosting the state conference\nand the committee is looking for volunteers. This is a short-term commitment\nthat is an opportunity for the members to express their ideas for conference\nlocation, speakers and topics to full fill continuing education units. We want fresh ideas. Erik Dukes, AIA Alaska President-Elect\nis chairing this conference committee. Please reach out to Erik at "],[0,[1],1,""],[0,[],0," if you are\ninterested in volunteering."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"A new event for AIA Alaska will be establishing an annual\ngolfing tournament for \u201cArchitects in Action\u201d. The goal is to raise funds for\nour chapters ongoing advocacy efforts which includes our high school design\ncompetition, college scholarship, state government lobbying, and anything else\nthat promotes advocacy for our membership. Paul Baril, AIA is chairing this\ncommittee. Please reach out to Paul at "],[0,[2],1,""],[0,[],0,"\nif you are interested in sitting on this committee. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Be an engaged member of AIA Alaska and make the most of your\nAIA membership. Find your passion within your community. Let your voice be\nheard. Together, we can build a stronger future for the architecture profession\nin Alaska."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"With appreciation,"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Jessica Cederberg, AIA Alaska 2024 President"]]]]}
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Message from the President
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Jessica Cederberg, AIA
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