Grateful for change

Submitted by 92e808af-7b54-… on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 17:26
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["a",["href","https:\/\/\/articles\/6667546-womens-leadership-summit-opens-with-messag","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/articles\/6636549-lgbtq-professional-events-offer-more-than-","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/articles\/6691738-the-architects-foundation-is-building-stro?editing=true\u0026tools=true","target","_blank"]],["em"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"After the"],[0,[0],1," Women\u2019s Leadership Summit"],[0,[],0,", an attendee told me how NCARB\u2019s elimination of the rolling clock policy revived her dream of being an architect. As she shared her story, she had tears in her eyes."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"At the A\u201923 Convention on Architecture, 200+ attendees gathered at "],[0,[1],1,"a happy hour for LGBTQ+ architects and allies."],[0,[],0," Atlanta-based architect Sarah Nelson-Woynicz, AIA, described the celebration as a place where guests could \u201cjust exhale.\u201d "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"At the Baltimore Design School, architecture student "],[0,[2],1,"Zuleika Baldeo"],[0,[],0," volunteers as a mentor to younger students because \u201chaving that sort of impact is just a beautiful thing to do for somebody.\u201d Baldeo knows how inspiring it can be to receive support from others; she tells us she jumped for joy when she learned she would be given an Architects Foundation Diversity Advancement Scholarship to pay for expenses at Morgan State University."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"What a time when architects can bring their whole selves to the profession! As Thanksgiving week begins, and as I reflect on my year as AIA President, I am most grateful for the industry-wide changes we are creating together. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"From shining a light on student load debt, advocating for equity and inclusion, and being a global voice for climate change, I am deeply proud of the impactful work AIA and its members led in 2023. Our vision remains steadfast to drive positive transformation and focused activism. Now more than ever, the collective voice of architects is essential for designing a better future for our communities and planet. Because when we do, not only do we build a healthier, more inclusive world, we serve our neighbors "],[0,[3],1,"and"],[0,[],0," our colleagues in the most personal ways. Our collective efforts have a positive influence on how people live, work, play, and learn. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"I am especially thankful to see the power of design from within the profession. When good design is intentional, it brings joy, it creates space for everyone, and it inspires leadership among our peers, as well as the people we serve. The change we have sparked together this year gives us so many reasons to be grateful as we prepare to close out 2023 and hopeful as we look to the new year. "]]]]}
Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, reflects, with gratidue, on her year as AIA President.


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Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA, is the 2023 AIA President
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AIA, Emily Grandstaff-Rice, EDI, women in arhitecture
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[{"updated_date":"2023-11-21T17:26:28+00:00","author_name":"Patra Wroten","author_id":"92e808af-7b54-4bae-9e24-689ead5feed1","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2023-11-21T17:32:03+00:00","author_name":"Patra Wroten","author_id":"92e808af-7b54-4bae-9e24-689ead5feed1","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2023-11-21T17:33:56+00:00","author_name":"Patra Wroten","author_id":"92e808af-7b54-4bae-9e24-689ead5feed1","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2023-11-21T17:34:46+00:00","author_name":"Patra Wroten","author_id":"92e808af-7b54-4bae-9e24-689ead5feed1","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2023-11-21T17:38:10+00:00","author_name":"Patra Wroten","author_id":"92e808af-7b54-4bae-9e24-689ead5feed1","action":"published"},{"updated-date":"2023-11-22T16:08:01+00:00","author-name":"Francesca Di Marco","author-id":"409a7eff-7985-44b0-9bb3-5ee71d67a6ae","action":null}]
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