2023 Annual Meeting streamlines proceedings, reforms Code of Ethics and makes emeritus status available to international members

Submitted by Katherine Flynn on Fri, 06/09/2023 - 00:29
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["b"]],"sections":[[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"AIA\nmembers from all over the world gathered at the 2023 Annual Meeting at the AIA Conference\non Architecture (A\u201923) in San Francisco this week. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Priority topics at AIA\u0027s Annual Meeting included\nstreamlining proceedings at AIA meetings, updating the Code of Ethics, eliminating\nthe requirement that AIA components submit bylaws and amendments to\nAIA for approval, and providing emeritus privileges to international members. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"After the candidates running for elected office delivered\ntheir prepared speeches to the audience, AIA\u2019s 2023 President Emily\nGrandstaff-Rice, FAIA, welcomed delegates and attendees and reaffirmed AIA\u2019s\ncommitment to equity and sustainability in the built environment. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u201cArchitects lead by using the power of design and the\nlimitless potential of design thinking to make a positive, lasting and\nmeaningful difference that changes the world we live in,\u201d Grandstaff-Rice told\nattendees. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Bylaws Amendments "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Bylaws Amendment 23-A: Votes Required to Amend AIA Bylaws\n"],[0,[],0,"proposed a change to the number of votes that are required to amend AIA\nbylaws, eliminating what the proposal calls \u201cunnecessary complexity\u201d in the\nprocess. Per the proposed amendment, a super majority of two-thirds (2\/3) of\ndelegates attending the meeting must vote in the affirmative to pass a bylaw\namendment. (However, the previous rules applied to passing this amendment.) At\nthe meeting, out of 257 votes, Bylaws Amendment 23-A passed with 96.09% of\nvotes in favor and 3.91% of votes against. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Bylaws Amendment 23-B: AIA National Ethics\nCouncil "],[0,[],0,"proposed\nan update to AIA\u2019s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, following a two\nyear review by the National Ethics Council (NEC). Previously, the code had not\nbeen updated in over 35 years. The intent of the updates was to further mitigate\nlegal risk to the AIA posed by imposing discipline on members who have violated\nthe Code of Ethics; increase efficiency and turnaround time on ethics cases; and\neliminate \u201cadmonition\u201d as a penalty where the NEC has determined the Code has\nbeen violated (leaving censure, suspension, or termination as penalties). In\naddition, the proposed changes gave discretionary authority to the NEC to report\nthose found to have violated the Code to juries if the individual becomes a\ncandidate for an AIA honor or award; report those found to have violated the\nCode to the delegates or voters if the individual becomes a candidate for AIA\noffice; or bar those found to have violated the Code from serving on an AIA\ncommittee, appearing as a speaker at an AIA event, or as the author or subject\nof an AIA publication. At the meeting, out of 279 votes, Bylaws Amendment 23-B\npassed with 98.26% of votes in favor and 1.74% of votes against. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Bylaws\nAmendment 23-C: Component Bylaws "],[0,[],0,"proposed\nto eliminate the requirement that AIA components affirmatively submit their\nbylaws and amendments to AIA for approval. Recognizing components are independent entities, this\namendment provides them with autonomy to ensure their bylaws are consistent\nwith AIA\u2019s. Staff in AIA\u2019s Member \u0026 Component Services and Legal \u0026\nBusiness Affairs teams will remain as a resource for components with respect to\ntheir bylaws. At the meeting, out of 264 votes, Bylaws Amendment 23-C passed\nwith 87.37% of votes in favor and 12.63% of votes against. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Bylaws Amendment 23-D: International Associate AIA \u2013\nEmeritus "],[0,[],0,"proposed to provide International Associate members with the same\nprivileges as AIA and Associate AIA members. Under the new bylaw, if they meet\nthe requirements for Emeritus membership, International Associate members may\napply for this category of AIA membership. At the meeting, out of 276 votes, Bylaws\nAmendment 23-D passed with 100% of votes in favor and 0% of votes against. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Resolutions"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"There were no resolutions submitted this year. "]]]]}
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AIA members from all over the world gathered at the 2023 Annual Meeting at the AIA Conference on Architecture (A’23) in San Francisco this week.
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AIA EVP/CEO Lakisha Ann Woods addresses the audience at AIA's Annual Meeting.
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AIA Annual Meeting, Conference on Architecture
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