How the Leadership Academy has helped Todd Hassler, AIA, advance his career

Submitted by ce8f442d-41a9-… on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 16:58
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["em"],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/pages\/6158314-aia-leadership-academy","target","_new"]],["b"],["sup"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],0,"Recently acquiring the role as partner at Peter Vincent\nArchitects in Honolulu, Todd Hassler, AIA, credits skills learned through "],[0,[1],1,"AIA\u2019s\nLeadership Academy "],[0,[],1,"in his preparation. He parlayed the experience at the\nLeadership Academy to help him become the 2022 AIA Honolulu Vice President,\nwith a role as 2023 President on the horizon. The Leadership Academy is AIA\u2019s\nflagship leadership development program. This three-year program is designed\nfor architects who are ready for the next level of accomplished leadership in\ntheir firm, profession, and community. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"AIA sat down with Hassler to discuss how the Leadership\nAcademy helped him advance his professional career, why architecture resonated\nwith him from a young age, and advice he has for young architects"],[0,[],0,". "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"What inspired you to become an architect?"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"At an early age, I was attracted to drawings and\nbuilding-blocks to exercise my creativity. The defining moment that put me on the path to becoming an architect was\nwhen my mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I was 10 years old and we\nlived in a two-story home. In an effort\nto provide my mother with a more accessible environment, my father decided to\nbuild a new one-story home on the vacant lot next door. My father, who had no architectural or\nengineering background, had some drafting equipment and took it upon himself to\ndesign a house for our family. I\nremember watching him design this house and I thought to myself, \u201cthat looks\nfun, I want to do that.\u201d It piqued my interest and helped define what I wanted\nto be when I grew up."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"After high school, I decided to go to SUNY Orange, which\nhad a well-established architectural program. At first, I was overwhelmed with\nthe expectations and the amount of work, but I was still intrigued with the\nconcept of design and began to appreciate the built environment. When I was\nyoung, I frequently visited New York City, but I would usually focus on the\nstreet vendors or toy stores. School began\nto give me the ability to understand the power of design. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"After a few classes, I remember walking down 88"],[0,[3],1,"th"],[0,[],0,"\nStreet towards Central Park and seeing the curved top of the Guggenheim Museum dramatically\nprotrude from the vertical wall of concrete. \nThe understanding of design intent and the admiration of beauty was an\nemotional realization. I decided that I\nwas going to strive to create places that make others feel the way I felt in\nthat moment. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"If you could change one thing in the architecture world,\nwhat would it be? "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"I would like to see the role of architects expanded and\nsee more architects in positions that make an impact beyond just the design of\nbuildings. Architects are trained to be\nproblem solvers. Exploring creative approaches\nto achieve positive results is a unique ability. Development, regulations, city planning,\nclimate change, equity, transportation, energy sources and preservation are all\n\u201cbig picture\u201d topics which all benefit from the contributions of an engaged\narchitect. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Representation on\nneighborhood boards, in government positions and with community groups allows\nunique perspectives and creative minds to assist with improvements. As architects, we accept the role as a public\nservant but we need to expand beyond our normal obligations and work for more\npublic engagement. In Hawaii, we emphasize\nthe term \u201ckuleana\u201d, which mean responsibility."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"What about AIA\u2019s Leadership Academy first caught your\ninterest?"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Most of my career was focusing on developing the skills I\nneeded to be a successful architect. \nWhen my role started to change into a management position, I realized\nthat it was critical for me to enhance my leadership skills. The Leadership Academy is a program designed to\nprovide the tools necessary to reach a high level of leadership potential."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"When the program was introduced, I was a senior associate\nat Peter Vincent Architects. The\npartners of the firm encouraged me to apply with the expectation of preparing\nme for a partner position. The\ncollaborative goal was long term success for my career as well as the firm."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"I was also intrigued with the opportunity to collaborate\nwith other architects from across the country to share experiences and\nsolutions. Being in the middle of the\nPacific, I was excited to have access to a diverse group of colleagues and\naddress unique challenges to improve my profession and community."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"What successes have you seen in your practice as a result\nof your participation in AIA\u2019s Leadership Academy?"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Only a few months after the program started, the pandemic\nturned our lives and businesses upside down. \nEveryone was forced to make adjustments and we re-structured how we\noperate. Sharing this experience as a\ncohort and discussing how adjustments were made not only provided a necessary\ncomradery, but it also influenced some of our pivots."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"\u0022One of the key tools of the program is regular self-analysis. Taking the time to consciously explore what I\nenjoy and how I can make an impact is a habitual practice.\u0022"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"One of the key tools of the program is regular self-analysis. Taking the time to consciously explore what I\nenjoy and how I can make an impact is a habitual practice. With two other partners, I am able to evaluate\nhow I can best contribute to the firm and enjoy it. Diversifying our responsibilities has allowed\nus to grow as firm, publish a new book, increase our workload, relocate our\noffice, and continue to produce award winning work."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"Did the Leadership Academy have an impact on your\ndecision and success in running for President of AIA Honolulu? "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Absolutely. I applied to the Leadership Academy at the\nend of my 2-year Director-at-Large term for AIA Honolulu. I continued to participate on many\ncommittees, but my goal was to have the Leadership Academy prepare me for an\nExecutive Committee position."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Jim Nicolow, FAIA contacted me to discuss the potential of\nme becoming the VP\/President Elect during his Presidency term. In addition to my dedication, contributions\nand skillset, Jim indicated that the Presidency term would subsequently follow\nmy graduation from the Leadership Academy in 2022. The Board of Directors, the Nomination\nCommittee and Jim\u2019s expectations were to apply the leadership skills I\ndeveloped through the Leadership Academy to benefit our Chapter and the local\ncommunity. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"My partner, Peter Vincent, FAIA who was AIA Honolulu\nPresident in 2007 was able to delineate the responsibilities of the role and\nhow I could best contribute. This\ncertainly gave me the confidence that the skills developed from the Leadership Academy\nhave prepared me for a successful and impactful Presidency term. I ran\nuncontested and was elected as the 2022 VP\/President Elect."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"What advice do you have for people interested in AIA\u2019s\nLeadership Academy?"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Regardless of your position and role \u2013 if you are\ninterested in elevating your leadership skills, this program provides the\nnecessary tools. Communication, business\nmanagement, strategic planning, finances, marketing, public speaking, equity,\nand community outreach are all topics explored to allow each person to reach\ntheir leadership potential. The program\nis structured to provide a range of resources but is flexible enough to allow\neach of us to focus on areas providing the most benefits."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The collaborative program allows us to share experiences,\nchallenges and successes. We each become\na valuable resource and contribute to the success of the entire group. Over the course of program, relationships are\nbuilt that will enhance your long term career growth."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"I am honored to be part of the inaugural class, and I am\nexcited to see the program grow."]]]]}
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Todd Hassler, AIA, 2022 AIA Honolulu Vice President
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Leadership, Honolulu, Architects
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