Kentucky Strong

Submitted by Casey L. Satterly on Fri, 02/11/2022 - 16:53
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/deb14e27a90f837a\/Desktop\/\/donate-blood\/how-to-donate\/eligibility-requirements.html","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/formservices\/Finance\/WKYRelief","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/local\/kentucky.html","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/feedingamericaky","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/site\/Donation2?df_id=30735\u0026mfc_pref=T\u002630735.donation=form1\u0026s_src=172220KSEM00\u0026s_subsrc=FY22DECKYERMO","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/2161\/Fire-Rescue","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/share\/02e24e0e3ddd4d158a21aaf9a0973384","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/Pages\/default.aspx","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/search\/top\/?q=%E2%80%A2%09Bowling%20Green%20Fire%20Department","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/spreadsheets\/d\/1YTzQFT4ANDcChivFDfUW9oC0gJWDyT9FHoDrAD2VA7A\/edit?fbclid=IwAR21FHh7Kh-kcbaVU_fwTcbihsgnvefKaSiPCd-MCLTBwh9IW-6nYp_Zdho#gid=0","target","_blank"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/tornado-places-to-give-or-get-help\/","target","_blank"]]],"sections":[[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Western Kentucky Tornado Relief"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"AIA Kentucky is in touch with the Central Kentucky Chapter and multiple organizations throughout the state as we continue to compile a list of actionable items for those who would like to help. Emergency efforts are primarily focused on relief at this time, but additional needs will arise as the focus shifts toward recovery. We ask that you stay tuned as the situation continues to develop and, in the meantime, we have curated this list* of many ways that you can help."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"GIVE BLOOD"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"Many Kentucky hospitals are treating storm victims and need more blood. Blood supplies have run dangerously low throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. To find a blood donation center in your area go to the "],[0,[1],1,"Red Cross Blood Center website"],[0,[],0," and type in your zip code."]],[[0,[],0,"Or go to the Kentucky Blood Center website at "],[0,[2],1,""],[0,[],0,"."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"DONATE MONEY"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"On Saturday, Governor Beshear announced the creation of a new state-wide relief fund. Team Western Kentucky Relief Fund will go directly to Kentucky tornado victims. "],[0,[3],1,"Donate here"],[0,[],0,"."]],[[0,[],0,"Kentuckians can also donate to the "],[0,[4],1,"Red Cross"],[0,[],0,", which is currently mobilizing in many Western Kentucky counties. Donations can be directed to Kentucky relief efforts or to particular Kentucky counties."]],[[0,[],0,"The United Way\u0027s Kentucky branch set up a "],[0,[5],1,"donation fund"],[0,[],0," for the state\u0027s victims, to support their immediate needs and long-term recovery for impacted communities."]],[[0,[],0,"Community Foundation of West Kentucky, based out of Paducah, is also accepting donations through its Disaster Relief Fund. Donors can also mail a check to Community Foundation of West Kentucky, CFWK Disaster Relief Fund, P.O. Box 7, Paducah, KY 42001 or drop off donations at US Bank Building, 333 Broadway, Suite 503, Paducah."]],[[0,[],0,"Feeding America, Kentucky\u0027s Heartland is providing ready-to-go emergency meals for victims. Donors looking to provide the nonprofit with money for the operation can "],[0,[6],1,"donate here"],[0,[],0,"."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"DONTATE OR PURCHASE GOODS"],[0,[],0," (Call 270-297-7772 or 270-331-0945)"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"Organizations or companies that have services or products they would like to donate can call the Kentucky Emergency Management at 502-697-6600."]],[[0,[],0,"Mayfield Police Department is accepting donations, which can be dropped off at Northside Baptist Church (611 W Lockridge St). Items that are needed include, men\u2019s\/women\u2019s\/children\u2019s clothing, coats\/sweatshirts\/jackets, socks, underwear, cleaning supplies and hygiene items."]],[[0,[],0,"Nonprofit "],[0,[7],1,"CARE"],[0,[],0," is collecting donations to provide water, food, shelter and cash assistance to families in need through a Tornado Emergency Fund."]],[[0,[0],1,"KEDC"],[0,[],0," (Kentucky Education Development Corporation) is assisting by stuffing buses and vans with toys, water, etc. for the Western KY tornado victims. They are collecting donations all week at their Ashland office (904 Rose Road, Ashland) and Lexington Office (118 James Court Ste 60), and hope to deliver their collections on Monday the 20th."]],[[0,[0],1,"Anderson County"],[0,[],0," Sheriff\u2019s Office will be accepting items to help the citizens of Mayfield\/Graves County, who are displaced and suffering from last night\u2019s tornadoes. Any items should be non-perishable and\/or unused. All donations should be delivered to the Sheriff\u2019s office between Monday and Thursday (7am to 5pm) and will be delivered on Friday."]],[[0,[0],1,"Fayette County"],[0,[],0," Sheriff\u2019s Office is accepting donated items which will be sent to Kentucky communities affected by the storms. Those items include: Bottled water or Gatorade; Individually packaged non-perishable food items; Paper towels; Toilet paper; Large trash bags; Cleaning supplies; Disposable gloves; Masks; First-aid supplies; Flash lights; Batteries. Items can be dropped off in the Fayette District Court building at 150 N. Limestone. Citizens can also call (859) 272-1771 to request that someone come pick their items up."]],[[0,[8],1,"Georgetown Fire Department"],[0,[],0,": They are now working with Emergency Management to gather resources and plan to provide more assistance as needed. They are also collecting donations at all 3 of their locations."]],[[0,[0],1,"Winchester "],[0,[],0,"Police Department will be collecting items to be taken to hard hit areas in Western Kentucky. Any items will be accepted but the main items needed will be water, non-perishable food, and cleaning supplies. All items can be dropped off by Monday evening at Winchester PD (16 S. Maple Street)."]],[[0,[0],1,"Eastern Kentucky"],[0,[],0," schools are collecting donated items through Wednesday to send to families and students in Western Kentucky. Each school district has a specific item, which include toys, personal hygiene items, blankets and water, that can be dropped off at the schools."]],[[0,[9],1,"Kentucky Branded"],[0,[],0,": The local clothing shop recently released a new shirt for sale on their website that will have 100% of the net proceeds donated to affected communities in Western Kentucky."]],[[0,[10],1,"Shop Local"],[0,[],0,": They created new Kentucky Strong shirts to raise funds for those affected by the tornadoes. They will be donating 100% of the net proceeds from these tees to the State of Kentucky\u2019s Western Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund to directly help those affected."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"VOLUNTEER "],[0,[],0,"(Call 270-331-1979)"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"For those wanting to volunteer following the tornadoes, they can call Kentucky Division of Emergency Management at 311 or "],[0,[11],1,"fill out a survey"],[0,[],0," on its "],[0,[12],1,"website"],[0,[],0,"."]],[[0,[],0,"Bowling Green Fire Department also asked those who want to volunteer to send it a "],[0,[13],1,"Facebook message"],[0,[],0," with their name, type of assistance they can offer and contact info, instead of calling the fire stations."]],[[0,[],0,"Appalachians for Appalachian created a "],[0,[14],1,"spreadsheet"],[0,[],0," for mutual aids and giving lists, which is regularly updated."]],[[0,[],0,"Forward Kentucky also has compiled a "],[0,[15],1,"list by county"],[0,[],0," of how to help."]],[[0,[],0,"Several Facebook groups have popped up to connect victims of the Western Kentucky storms with help, missing family members and lost items Storm Damage 12.10.21, created by Joy-Blake Zeiter of Benton, has hundreds of posts from victim\u2019s family members asking for help finding those still missing, sharing information about donations and offering places to stay, clothes, food and more."]],[[0,[],0,"Quad State Tornado Found Items posts photos, important documents and paintings that were picked up by the tornadoes and found miles away to attempt to return them back to its owner. The member\u2019s post also ask for specific help or ways to donate items."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"*This is a list of opportunities that had been shared with us thus far. It is not comprehensive and there may be many other opportunities worthy of support that are not listed. "]]]]}
Western Kentucky Tornado Relief
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Disaster Relief, Kentucky strong, western kentucky, western kentucky
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[{"updated_date":"2022-02-11T16:53:18+00:00","author_name":"Casey Satterly","author_id":"8b1da971-fa80-407d-8f86-0b2cd3d50fea","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2022-02-11T16:57:40+00:00","author_name":"Casey Satterly","author_id":"8b1da971-fa80-407d-8f86-0b2cd3d50fea","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-02-11T23:11:27+00:00","author_name":"Kelly Ives","author_id":"0e22f939-6895-4121-b36d-0e575c72e2dc","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-02-11T23:11:36+00:00","author_name":"Kelly Ives","author_id":"0e22f939-6895-4121-b36d-0e575c72e2dc","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2023-05-05T14:10:16+00:00","author_name":"Casey Satterly","author_id":"8b1da971-fa80-407d-8f86-0b2cd3d50fea","action":null},{"updated-date":"2023-05-05T14:49:05+00:00","author-name":"Casey Satterly","author-id":"8b1da971-fa80-407d-8f86-0b2cd3d50fea","action":null}]
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