Three winning strategies for smart building design

Submitted by francescadimar… on Thu, 09/30/2021 - 19:07
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["b"],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/Staging-MasterSpec-Demo","target","_blank"]]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Today a growing number of architects recognize the advantage\nof winning more work through smart building design. According to the 2021 Hinge\nReport,* nearly half of architects surveyed cited smart buildings as a topic\nthey plan to research in the coming year. Smart buildings use automation to\noptimize processes that occur inside a building, such as heating and cooling,\nsecurity, lighting, ventilation, water usage, and more. This can benefit the\nenvironment, the building tenants, and the businesses that own the facilities."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"More often than not, architects and engineers are being\nurged to look to the future and consider changes to help protect the\nenvironment and build more sustainably. This includes buildings that are being\ndesigned to be more sustainable, ecofriendly, and smarter. From small offices\nto a large university campus, buildings are classified as smart if they use technology\nto enhance building operations."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Here are three strategies you can use to incorporate smart buildings\ninto your next design specifications: "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"1."],[0,[0],1," Smart building tips. "],[0,[],0,"Smart building\nplanning encompasses six key areas: connectivity, health and well-being,\nsafety, power and energy, cybersecurity, and sustainability. While there are many\ndetails to work out during the planning phase, here are some quick tips to\nconsider in each area:"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[0],1,"Smart\nlighting"],[0,[],0," \u2013 Sensors can detect and trigger the control of lighting and can\nmimic the natural light progression of daylight. Brighter lights after lunch\nmay be used to help workers focus, and soft lights in hospitals can help\npatients relax. An intelligent system can also shut off lights when employees\nhave left the building. "]],[[0,[0],1,"Air\nquality monitoring"],[0,[],0," \u2013 Buildings can be equipped to monitor and detect\nharmful air quality and adjust the ventilation if needed. Smart systems can\nalso monitor when filters need to be replaced and have sensors to regulate\noutdoor air intake, providing the right balance of conditioned air for energy\nconservation and fresh air for ventilation.\n\n"]],[[0,[0],1,"Building security"],[0,[],0,"\n\u2013 Technology makes it easier for facilities managers to keep buildings safe.\nThis includes access control systems like badge readers or alerts when certain\ndoors are left open. "]],[[0,[0],1,"Predictive\nmaintenance"],[0,[],0," \u2013 Leveraging data, building operators can see indicators of\npotential problems and take corrective action before systems fail.\n\n"]],[[0,[],0,"\n"],[0,[0],1,"Optimized\nHVAC systems"],[0,[],0," \u2013 An optimized system can reduce water flows as well as pump\nand fan speeds, significantly reducing expenses."]],[[0,[0],1,"Intelligent\nparking"],[0,[],0," \u2013 Cameras and sensors can detect when parking spots are available\nand send this information to drivers, directing them where to go.\n\n"]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"2."],[0,[0],1," Go green. "],[0,[],0,"The design of smart buildings\nintersects with green buildings where resource-efficient models of construction\ninclude specific features, such as sustainable materials, renewable resources,\ngreen roof systems, improved acoustics, and clean indoor air quality. When\ndesigning a smart building, the green aspects can include concepts such as net\nzero, which strives to balance resource usage and production to reduce\nenvironmental impact. Smart buildings can create energy using solar panels, which\nabsorb and convert the sun\u2019s radiation into electricity and reduce the need for\ngas. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"3."],[0,[0],0," "],[0,[],1,"Smart product research. "],[0,[],0,"Materials are\nbeing engineered to be smarter, stronger, sleeker, and easier on the planet. To\nkeep a competitive edge, architects need to stay up to date on these material\ninnovations. Buildings crafted with well-thought-out, intelligent materials will\nbe more equipped to solve ongoing challenges, reduce their carbon footprint,\nand make an impact in the industry."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Smart building technology can diminish a whole host of\nbuilding related health issues. Benefits include improving indoor air quality\nand reducing symptoms of asthma, respiratory distress, depression, and stress.\nStudents in smart building schools have reduced absenteeism, higher test\nscores, and better overall academic performance. Patients in sustainable health\ncare facilities have faster recovery times."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Summary"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Smart building strategies can reduce energy costs, increase\nthe staff productivity, improve building operations, support sustainability,\nand enhance decisions made across the organization. The future seems bright: Architects\nwho incorporate smart design will win more work. Buildings crafted with well-thought-out,\nintelligent materials will be better equipped to solve ongoing challenges,\nreduce their carbon footprint, and make an impact in the industry. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"*Hinge Report is a study that provides an in-depth look at\nthe major trends impacting the architecture, engineering, and construction\n(AEC) industry."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Deltek Specpoint software improves how architects, engineers,\nand product manufacturers collaborate, bringing teams together to work more\nefficiently and make data-driven product decisions for better built projects. Enhance\nproject outcomes by easily sharing, updating, and distributing specifications\nthat leverage MasterSpec content to better support dispersed teams. "],[0,[1],1,"Learn more"],[0,[],0,"."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"ABOUT\nDELTEK"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Better software means better\nprojects. Deltek is the leading global provider of enterprise software and\ninformation solutions for project-based businesses. More than 30,000\norganizations and millions of users in over 80 countries around the world rely\non Deltek for superior levels of project intelligence, management, and\ncollaboration. This includes more than 11,000 architecture and engineering firms,\n80% of the Engineering New Record (ENR) Top 500, and 18 of the Top 20 A\u0026E\nEnvironmental Firms. "]]]]}
Today a growing number of architects recognize the advantage of winning more work through smart building design. According to the 2021 Hinge Report,* nearly half of architects surveyed cited smart buildings as a topic they plan to research in the coming year. Smart buildings use automation to optimize processes that occur inside a building, such as heating and cooling, security, lighting, ventilation, water usage, and more. This can benefit the environment, the building tenants, and the businesses that own the facilities.
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3 winning strategies for smart building design
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