Making 'locally grown' design internationally compelling

Submitted by tsweatman on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 17:36
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[["images-card",{"images":[{"url":"http:\/\/\/dpcbzfiye\/image\/upload\/v1460483358\/hmqpd8k3vbp3qk60duk0.png","id":"6961"}],"caption":"Hamar Town Hall in Hamar, Norway"}]],"markups":[["strong"],["a",["href","http:\/\/\/sites\/default\/files\/2016-04\/COD-Norway-Summer-2015.pdf","target","_new"]]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"How do you create something that is globally inspiring yet locally relevant? That was the question at the AIA Committee on Design\u2019s 2015 summer international conference in Norway, whose theme was"],[0,[0],1," "],[0,[],0,"\u201cLocally grown.\u201d"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Locally Grown Norway"],[0,[],0,", a guidebook produced for the June 2015 event, vividly illustrates how one produces locally relevant architecture that can inspire people everywhere. The guidebook contains numerous examples of how the country\u2019s devotion to nature is prompting Norwegian architects to develop cutting-edge products in their own distinct version of modern architecture. The conference included trips to Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger. "]]],[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"Sites highlighted by the guidebook"]]],[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Hamar Town Hall"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The town hall in Hamar, one of the host towns for the 1994 Winter Olympics, was intended to portray the city\u2019s increasingly important role in Norway. The most striking characteristic of the design is the diagonal arrangement of the building plan across an existing square city block. That allows the new entrance plaza to become a link between the adjacent city park and the main access street to the north."]]],[10,0],[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Gjerdrum Secondary School"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This project in Gjerdrum won 1st prize in an invited competition in 2007. The school is designed within a relatively compact building structure. The roof is shaped as though the terrain is \u201cfolded up\u201d from the ground, creating an encompassing building in contrast with the large surrounding landscape."]]],[1,"blockquote",[[0,[],0,"\u201cTo make a place, is to make a domain that helps people know where they are, and by extension, know who they are.\u201d - Charles W. Moore"]]],[1,"h3",[[0,[],0,"Oslo School of Architecture and Design "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The school is sited in an old factory block, with the new internal court connected to the adjacent riverside bank. Parts of the complex were torn down to bring light into the deeper parts of the building. The original concrete structure was sandblasted to expose the consistency of the concrete, and the new building parts and walls are made transparent to reflect, and obtain, the social transparency of the institution."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Jim Childress, FAIA, 2015 chair of the AIA Committee on Design, summed up the conference by quoting the great architect Charles W. Moore: \u201cTo make a place, is to make a domain that helps people know where they are, and by extension, know who they are.\u201d"]]]]}
“Locally Grown Norway” is a guidebook showing the cutting edge architectural design taking place in Norway.
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Rundeskogen: Housing, Stavanger, Norway
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["a",["href","http:\/\/\/sites\/default\/files\/2016-04\/COD-Norway-Summer-2015.pdf","target","_new"]]],"sections":[[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"Download the guidebook"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Locally Grown Norway"]]]]}
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