Honor Award: Associate AIA

Submitted by melindamgreen@… on Thu, 12/14/2023 - 13:58
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"HONOR AWARDS: "],[0,[],0,"These awards celebrate emerging professionals, architects, firms, and educators throughout AIA CNY that have significantly contributed to the profession of architecture."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"It is my pleasure to recommend Kristin Almasian, Assoc. AIA, for the 2023 AIA Central New York Honor Awards \u2013 Associate Award. I have the distinct pleasure of having collaborated with Kristin in several different roles over 8 years; as Board of Directors for AIA Central New York and as co\u2010workers within the same architectural firm. Kristin has played a critical and active role in the success of all AIA Central New York programs and agendas both locally and regionally. Her actions have been paramount to the advancement of our mission."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"As Past President of the Central New York chapter of AIA, I have worked closely with Kristin and have witnessed her dedication and passion to our chapter, it\u2019s members, and the architectural community. Kristin is an asset to every committee and organization that she is involved with. Her commitment goes far beyond the standard expectation and she consistently continues to \u2018raise the bar\u2019 with every endeavor she takes on. As a leader, she inspires and supports everyone she interacts with, and encourages them to think differently and to get more involved and engaged."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"She has created several programs for AIA Central New York, as a Board Member and Director of Emerging Professionals, benefits high school and college students, Emerging Professionals, and Experienced members. A 6\u2010week Introductory Summer Prep Course, multi\u2010year series of events for Syracuse University Architecture students, local A.R.E. Scholarship program, and coordinating Educational Seminars are a few examples of opportunities and support she provides our current and future members in our profession. She also created a Women in Design group that focuses on developing and supporting women in the architectural profession."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Professionally, Kristin consistently exceeds expectations as a motivator, supporter, and enthusiastic team member. She continues to grow and showcase the abilities to assume higher responsibilities and is on the path to firm leadership. Kristin is currently completing her Architect Registration Exam and further expands her knowledge of our profession daily. She is the most valuable member of our firm and I cannot wait to witness her develop into her fullest potential and succeed beyond measure."]]],[1,"p",[]],[1,"p",[]]]}
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Associate AIA: Kristin Szkolnik Alamasin
Honor Award: Associate AIA
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[{"updated-date":"2023-12-14T13:58:52+00:00","author-name":"Melinda Green","author-id":"f8e73235-2fdf-420d-ae59-79ae901b5636","action":"published"}]
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"AS"],[0,[0],1,"SOCIATE AIA"],[0,[],0,": Recognizes notable contributions and accomplishments within the architecture profession of an associate (unlicensed) architect."]]]]}
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