Honor Award: Lifetime Achievement

Submitted by melindamgreen@… on Thu, 12/14/2023 - 13:46
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"HONOR AWARDS: "],[0,[],0,"These awards celebrate emerging professionals, architects, firms, and educators throughout AIA CNY that have significantly contributed to the profession of architecture."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"As I considered who I might nominate for the Inaugural AIA CNY Honor Awards, Peter Arsenault\u2019s name came immediately to mind. As I thought about the tenets that AIA Fellows are expected to exemplify, including that of supporting mentorship in the profession through their actions, I could not help but consider the huge and inspirational impact that Peter has had on my career and AIA involvement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"As I was just beginning my involvement at AIA Central New York and was elected to the position of State Associate Director, I immediately became acquainted with Peter. Being a young girl from a small town in rural New York, I was inspired by stories I had heard from David Ashley of Peter\u2019s illustrious AIA career in sustainability and after hearing about my selection to the State Board Peter didn\u2019t hesitate to reach out to me, early on, to introduce himself as a fellow member of AIA CNY (albeit one who practiced remotely). From there he helped introduce me to the many people he knows throughout the industry and share his knowledge of all things sustainability and AIA. It was truly an irreplaceable experience as a young professional straight out of school starting my first job. The network and knowledge that Peter was able to help connect me to around sustainability as an AIA leader at the local, state, and national levels became a strong reason that sustainability became a tenet of my own practice once I decided to start my own firm."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Anyone who knows Peter is well aware that he is an incredibly humble and approachable man and as I began to learn more about his career and involvement at AIA he was a calming and guiding mentor as I learned the ropes of the intimidating roles I had inherited within the AIA. Throughout the 15 years of my career, anytime I\u2019ve had questions Peter has not hesitated to answer the call to help me in whatever way he can. Often that\u2019s been by connecting me with resources, many of which he wrote himself. It\u2019s also been by continuing to serve within Central New York as a Design Awards Juror during the year I was President and most recently as a fellow member on the AIA CNY Community Impact \u0026 Planning Task Force led by President Yahi where his knowledge of CNY history and collaboration with other allied groups in the community has been of great value. I also know Peter hasn\u2019t only helped me and I am but one of the many people in AIA CNY whose careers, leadership roles, and firms have been impacted by his leadership within the organization, our profession, and sustainability."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"In reviewing Peter\u2019s CV, I know you will find that the breadth of contributions Peter has made to our Chapter and profession is far reaching. There are likely very few members of AIA CNY who have not read one of his articles on building science and sustainability from Architectural Record, experienced a sustainability training session with him, or experienced the impact of his work throughout our City and broader region. His long list of accomplishments is likewise notable and commendable, and he continues to be engaged and passionate about Syracuse and our local architectural community here. For these reasons and more I strongly recommend and nominate him to become a recipient of the AIA Central New York Fellow\u2019s Award"]]]]}
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Lifetime Achievement Award: Peter Arsenault
Honor Award: Lifetime Achievement
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[{"updated-date":"2023-12-14T13:46:22+00:00","author-name":"Melinda Green","author-id":"f8e73235-2fdf-420d-ae59-79ae901b5636","action":"published"}]
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{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD"],[0,[],0,": Recognizes a lifetime of notable and impactful contributions by an architect to the profession, the professional society, and the community."]]]]}
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