AIA Future Focused - Robert L. Easter, FAIA

Submitted by francescadimar… on Fri, 04/07/2023 - 14:15
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Through his staunch advocacy and commitment to education, Robert L. Easter, FAIA, 2023 Whitney Young Award recipient, has continually proven himself to be a leader for all members of the profession who embody architecture’s progressive values and seek to shape our world for the better.  Robert’s work to broaden diversity, equity, and inclusion began early in his career while he was a student at Virginia Tech and continued while serving in the US Army Corps of Engineers as a senior instructor, where he helped young officers with design, math, or engineering backgrounds transition into the corps. Following his service, Robert founded Kelso & Easter Architects in Richmond in 1983 and, shortly thereafter, was introduced to the National Association of Minority Architects (NOMA). NOMA recognized his energy and commitment, and swiftly elevated him to serve in several of the organization’s national leadership positions, beginning with a three-year term as national secretary and later a two-year term as NOMA’s 15th president.  After nearly 30 years of practice, Robert returned to Hampton University, where he completed his undergraduate studies, to become chair of its architecture department. He inherited an excellent program that needed to adjust its professional direction, specifically to prepare students for their eventual licensure. In his nearly 15 years as chair, Robert has promoted licensure as the highest priority and responsibility for graduates, interweaving IDP and now AXP requirements into the professional practice curriculum. He has also secured funding for a lecture series that introduces students to renowned Black architects, and he leverages his relationships with peers to provide mentorship opportunities that help graduates become familiar with new professional environments.
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