Disability Remakes the World: Embracing Accessibility Challenges as Design Opportunities Workshop Presented by DAKC

Submitted by pdanckaert24@g… on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 14:39
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Special Olympics Inclusion Campus
Venue Address
160 68th Street SW
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Grand Rapids
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LU Credit
Disability Advocates of Kent County
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["em"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"In this workshop, Sara Hendren, award-winning author, design researcher, professor, and parent advocate, will challenge us to consider a new set of practices for thinking about access: practices fueled by an underlying generous spirit and playful curiosity. Drawing on some of her latest work for "],[0,[0],1,"Wired Magazine, "],[0,[],0,"Sara will highlight the ever-growing roles that \u201cconstellations\u201d of high and low-tech assistive technologies are playing as enablers of higher-quality independent and interdependent living for people with disabilities."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Meanwhile, we will work together to arrive at some new answers to a key overarching question:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"How can everyone\u2014designers and non-designers alike\u2014build more flexible and creative mindsets for tackling accessibility and inclusion challenges?"]]]]}
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"9:30 a.m. Check-in, Coffee, and Networking"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"10:00 a.m. \u2013 11:00a.m. Remarks from Sara Hendren"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"11: 00 a.m. \u2013 1:00 p.m. Group Design Challenge (and Working Lunch \u201cserved\u201d at noon)"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"1:00 p.m. \u2013 2:00p.m. Groups Report Out, Discussion, and Wrap-Up with Sara Hendren"]]]]}
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["em"]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Sara Hendren is a humanist in tech\u2014an artist, design researcher, writer, and professor at Olin College of Engineering. Her book "],[0,[0],1,"What Can A Body Do? How We Meet the Built World"],[0,[],0," explores the places where disability shows up in design at all scales: assistive technology, furniture, architecture, urban planning, and more. It was named one of the Best Books of 2020 by NPR and won the 2021 Science in Society Journalism book prize. Her art and design works have been exhibited in museums worldwide and are held in the permanent collections at MoMA and the Cooper Hewitt. In 2021-22, she was Lecturer in Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a fellow in Education Policy at the New America think tank, where she was researching the future of work for adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities."]]]]}
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Disability Remakes the World: Embracing Accessibility Challenges as Design Opportunities Workshop
Members Only
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Disability Remakes the World: Embracing Accessibility Challenges as Design Opportunities Workshop Presented by DAKC
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Disability Remakes the World: Embracing Accessibility Challenges as Design Opportunities Workshop
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[{"updated_date":"2022-12-29T14:39:09+00:00","author_name":"Pamela Danckaert","author_id":"b76bafab-7e03-40c3-b4d2-85ac947def4f","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2022-12-29T14:55:37+00:00","author_name":"Pamela Danckaert","author_id":"b76bafab-7e03-40c3-b4d2-85ac947def4f","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2023-01-06T13:13:01+00:00","author_name":"Pamela Danckaert","author_id":"b76bafab-7e03-40c3-b4d2-85ac947def4f","action":"draft created"},{"updated_date":"2023-01-06T13:13:26+00:00","author_name":"Pamela Danckaert","author_id":"b76bafab-7e03-40c3-b4d2-85ac947def4f","action":null},{"updated-date":"2023-01-06T13:13:29+00:00","author-name":"Pamela Danckaert","author-id":"b76bafab-7e03-40c3-b4d2-85ac947def4f","action":"published"}]
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