Kevin Miller elevated to prestigious College of Fellows in the American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Submitted by a8fe304f-bb72-… on Fri, 07/01/2022 - 14:36
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"(Chicago, IL \u2013 June 24, 2022) "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"GSBS Architects President Kevin Miller was inducted into the College of\nFellows in a ceremony at the 2022 National AIA Conference today in Chicago. Miller\u2019s investiture is in\nrecognition of many years of service to the AIA, in which Miller had a hand in drafting or updating literally\nhundreds of legal documents used daily by Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC)\nprofessionals across the country. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\nMiller is one of a class of 88 inductees in 2022, and the only individual from a Utah architectural firm.\nAccording to the AIA, inductees are \u201carchitects who have made significant contributions to the profession\nand society\u201d and only three percent of registered architects ever attain the status of Fellow, within the\nAIA. In Utah, there are currently 23 AIA Fellows either practicing or emeritus.\n"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"AIA Fellows can be nominated for various contributions such as architectural design, public service, or\neducation. Miller\u2019s recognition is for his service and leadership within the AIA Contract Documents\nCommittee. During his 14-year ongoing tenure, Miller had a hand in drafting 204 of the 218 legal\ndocuments currently offered by the AIA to aid and safeguard everyone involved in design\/build\nprofessions. Miller also served as Chair of the committee from 2015-2016.\n"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u201cKevin has grown and contributed from a \u2018soldier in the trenches\u2019 to a \u2018leader in the trenches,\u2019 resulting\nin widespread impact on the AIA members, the AIA, the Documents Program, and the AEC community,\u201d\nsaid nominator Michael Stransky, himself a Fellow in the AIA. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\n\u201cI do not know of another architect who has given more, nor had more impact on AIA contract\ndocuments than Kevin Miller\u2014there is hardly a document among the hundreds that has not benefited\nunder his leadership and action,\u201d Stransky concluded.\n"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"GSBS provides architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, energy engineering, economic\nanalysis, sustainability, and planning services through offices in Salt Lake City, Utah and Fort Worth,\nTexas. During the last 40 years, the firm has completed hundreds of projects in the fields of recreation,\ncommercial, academic, government, justice, hospitality, and health care, and others. "]]]]}
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Kevin Miller FAIA
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