2021 HONOR AWARD - Wabi-Sabi Residence

Submitted by e6660f17-9bf2-… on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 04:18
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Project Information
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Client Matters"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This home was designed for a young family with strong ties\nto the Salt Lake Valley. The process began with us working closely with this\nfamily on site selection prior to beginning design work. The design was\ndeveloped from the clients desire to enjoy a direct and visual connection to\nthe landscape while keeping as minimal footprint on the natural environment as\npossible."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Energy"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"In addition to a high performing efficient envelope\nassembly, passive strategies were analyzed and implemented in this home\u2019s\ndesign to minimize energy usage and further embed the client in the local\nclimate. Operable windows are carefully placed to take advantage of the active\nwind patterns of the site with the large central corridor functioning as an\ninterior breezeway during swing months in the day and nights in the summer to\ncool the home naturally. The predicted EUI for this project excluding onsite\nrenewable energy contribution is 11.4 kBTUs\/sf\/yr to meet 70% target based on\nArchitecture 2030 goals. This project has no on-site renewable energy contributions."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Water"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This project is delicately located on the site to produce\nminimal impact on the existing landscape. The grading for the home has been\nintegrated with the site topography to promote the existing storm run-off to\nremain as unchanged as possible, thereby not contributing to any undesirable\nramifications downstream. All landscaping is in accordance to low-impact and drought-resistant\nplantings, therefore minimizing the impact and reducing the need for potable water\nusage. Low flow fixtures were used throughout the home with an anticipated 55%\nwater reduction from baseline."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Community Connectivity"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This residence is located in close proximity to downtown\nSalt Lake City. The mountain setting offers a refuge from the larger urban\ncontext, and is not directly connected to public transit, nor would the home\u2019s\nlocation be considered walkable in the sense of access or situation in close proximity\nto commercial amenities. However, located directly adjacent to the nature\npreserve in Emigration Canyon, this single-family home provides a rare\nconnection to the natural environment with direct access to outdoor recreation. The site has been planned for a natural\nsetting that respects both existing animal game paths and human-made trails.\nThis neighborhood is a common destination for hikers and mountain bikers in the\nSalt Lake City community and careful planning and site sensitivity ensures the community\u2019s\nconnection with and access to nature will continue.\t"]]]]}
Project Name
Wabi-Sabi Residence – Sparano + Mooney Architecture
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[{"updated_date":"2021-12-16T04:18:36+00:00","author_name":"Michael Smith, CAE","author_id":"e6660f17-9bf2-476b-844b-10ff890dadb5","action":"created"},{"updated_date":"2021-12-16T05:15:05+00:00","author_name":"Michael Smith, CAE","author_id":"e6660f17-9bf2-476b-844b-10ff890dadb5","action":null},{"updated_date":"2021-12-16T05:15:12+00:00","author_name":"Michael Smith, CAE","author_id":"e6660f17-9bf2-476b-844b-10ff890dadb5","action":"published"},{"updated_date":"2021-12-16T05:51:38+00:00","author_name":"Michael Smith, CAE","author_id":"e6660f17-9bf2-476b-844b-10ff890dadb5","action":null},{"updated_date":"2021-12-16T06:07:12+00:00","author_name":"Michael Smith, CAE","author_id":"e6660f17-9bf2-476b-844b-10ff890dadb5","action":null},{"updated_date":"2022-08-03T17:54:06+00:00","author_name":"Jennifer MacGillvray","author_id":"a8fe304f-bb72-4add-99c0-6fb037834efe","action":"draft created"},{"updated_date":"2022-08-03T17:54:08+00:00","author_name":"Jennifer MacGillvray","author_id":"a8fe304f-bb72-4add-99c0-6fb037834efe","action":null},{"updated-date":"2022-08-03T17:54:12+00:00","author-name":"Jennifer MacGillvray","author-id":"a8fe304f-bb72-4add-99c0-6fb037834efe","action":"published"}]
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Project Description
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"As one progresses through the space, the shift in program is\npresented with the public volume in line directly with the canyon view. The proposal included a basement level that\nincorporates a creative office space with a private outdoor patio. The living-room fireplace is mirrored by an\noutdoor fireplace and both create places for family and friends to gather.\nIndoor\/outdoor relationships are enhanced through large openings onto the\nexterior concrete plinths that step with the natural topography. Careful placement of glazing allows for\nnatural canyon breezes to flow through the home seasonally. The vegetated roof is planted with local\ngrasses and serves to camouflage the home in its context. The residence sits\nwithin its mountain site with minimal disturbance to the landscape, which is\naugmented with native and drought-tolerant plants and trees."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Materials"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Materials, including Western Red Cedar Select, were chosen\nto reference the site and crafted to express their constructed connections and\ndetailing. The exterior is clad with full height vertical cedar boards and each\nvolume is finished in uniquely. The wood used in the public volume exhibits a\nnatural finish and the wood employed in the private volume displays a blackened\nstain finish. The cedar was sorted on site, embracing the more imperfect and graphic\nmaterial on the north volume in contrast to the refined and naturally-stained\nsouthwest volume. This refined and considered approach to materials extends to\nthe selection of interior elements, fixtures and furnishings. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The radiant heating system is complemented by a large format\ntile finish and hardwood in the bedrooms and living space. Indoor environmental quality was carefully\nstudied utilizing both passive and active approaches. The exterior window\nsystem was designed to incorporate operable openings at key locations to take\nadvantage of natural site ventilation, thereby reducing the need for mechanical\nheating\/cooling and increasing indoor air quality. Additionally, low VOC\nproducts were specified throughout the interior of the home per LEED for Homes certification\nrequirements."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"__Sustainability Strategies"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The sustainable design goals of this home were centered\naround creating a form and approach that would have minimal impact on the\nnative landscape while still providing opportunities for interaction. A strict\nlimit of disturbance was incorporated and the plinths that support the large\ncantilevers allow the mountain landscape to continue unhindered by the program\nthat floats above. Designed to achieve LEED Gold certification, this home includes\na double framed wall assembly with a 1\u20442\u201d thermal break air space that achieves\nan R-45 using 3\u201d of closed cell spray foam and 6-1\/2\u201d of blown-in-blanket\ninsulation. The roof assembly achieves an R-60 with 6\u201d minimum depth of rigid\ninsulation and 16\u201d of cavity insulation. Strategically-placed minimal glazing\nwith a .30 U-factor ensures a complete and high-performance exterior envelope."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The simplicity in material selections allows the Wabi-Sabi\nResidence to minimize construction waste through a simple established modular.\nThe overall height of the volumes was established based on the standard length\nof FSC-certified Western Red Cedar Select. The 14\u2019 board height extends from\nthe base of the exterior walls to the top of parapet vertically requiring less\ncutting of the material and therefore less waste. The large-format tile finish was\nestablished in a stack bond pattern that extends the full width of the\ncorridors and patio maximizing coverage and therefore minimizing waste from the\njob site."]]],[1,"p",[]]]}
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