AIAW Design Awards: 2021 Call For Entries

Submitted by 1cc08adc-d718-… on Mon, 05/17/2021 - 17:08
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["strong"],["a",["href","http:\/\/\/aiawdesign","target","_new"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/e\/2021-design-awards-entry-tickets-155673669135"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/uplink\/AIAW","target","_new"]]],"sections":[[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"Criteria, Deadlines and Registration"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The annual AIA Wisconsin Design Awards competition recognizes architects, building owners and contractors for excellence in architectural design and construction and represents the highest recognition given for excellence in architectural design by the state\u0027s professional society of architects."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"A jury of nationally distinguished architects from outside Wisconsin select the award-winning projects."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"CALL FOR ENTRIES"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Design Awards Presentation and a display of the winning projects will be featured at the 2021 AIA Wisconsin Design Awards Gala in the Fall of 2021. Look for details on the Gala in the coming months!"]]],[1,"h3",[[0,[0],1,"Awards"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Awards may be presented in two categories. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"1. "],[0,[0],1,"Honor Awards"],[0,[],0," recognize overall design excellence. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"2. "],[0,[0],1,"Merit Awards"],[0,[],0," recognize excellence in a particular aspect of project design, such as detailing, sustainability or adaptive use. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Architect, Owner and Contractor of each winning entry will receive a certificate of the award. Winning architects will be required to prepare a project presentation board for display at the AIA Wisconsin Design Awards Gala and other events throughout the state during the year. Awards will be announced at the program. Please plan to have a representative from the project team present to accept the award if chosen. In addition, the winning design architect may be asked to discuss the project at the awards celebration."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Jury"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The jury is comprised of distinguished architects from outside of Wisconsin. There are no entry categories and no detailed criteria beyond those in this announcement. The projects are not judged in competition with each other, but rather by measuring the architect\u2019s performance against each project\u2019s potential. Thus, projects of ordinary program or modest budget can receive an award based on the architect\u2019s skill in optimizing the design opportunity. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Eligibility and Authorship"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Projects must have been designed by AIA Architect members of AIA Wisconsin, with construction completed by January 1, 2021. The design architect, who is the person primarily responsible for the authorship of the project\u2019s design, must be an AIA Wisconsin member. All design team members and other consultants substantially contributing to the design of the project must be given credit as part of the submission. Projects previously submitted and not receiving an Honor Award or Merit Award are eligible for resubmission. For projects in which more than one architecture firm contributes to the design, all the architecture firms must be given appropriate credit as part of the submission."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Deadlines and Entry Forms "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"All completed submissions must be received by AIA Wisconsin no later than 5:00 p.m., July 30, 2021. Find necessary submission materials at "],[0,[1],1,"http:\/\/\/aiawdesign"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Fees"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The submission fee of $225 can be paid here: "],[0,[2],1,"2021 Design Awards Entry "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Once fees are received, you will be assigned a seven digit entry number to be used as directed below."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Entry Submissions"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Each submission shall contain the following Electronic files: "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"1.\tDisplay Image (cover)"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tChoose one of your twelve images (see below) that best represents the project."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tTitle: \u201c(your seven-digit entry number)\u201d"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tFormat: A high-resolution (300 dpi) JPEG vertical image for use in promotional materials. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"2.\tImages: "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tChoose up to 12 high-resolution image files (300 dpi). There shall be one image file for each of the views, photographs, drawings, or diagrams you wish to present."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tTitles: Images will be labeled with your \u201c(seven-digit entry number-page number)\u201d (e.g. 2020-007-05). If project is selected for an award, the photos will be used in the order submitted at the awards ceremony."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tFormat: Photos\/image files should be saved as individual JPEG formatted files (no larger than 3300 x 2550 px or 8 1\/2\u201d x 11\u201d). A maximum of four of these images may be in collage format. Show all exterior views that are required to reasonably describe the project and interior photos where appropriate. For designs that do not include building exteriors, include photographs, diagrams and\/or drawings sufficient to reasonably describe the project (site plan, floor plan(s) and building diagrams). Photographs of project with people to show the design in use are encouraged. Photos shall have no borders and no captions."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"3.\tOne-page project statement:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tThis concise one-page, vertical format statement describes the Owner\u2019s program, site description including any significant physical parameters, factual statement of the design solution and a statement of why the project should be considered for an award. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tTitle: \u201c(your seven-digit entry number) Project Description\u201d "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tFormat: MS Word or text formatted file."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"4.\tConcealed Identification Form:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tThe completed \u201cConcealed Identification\u201d form contains information about the project including architect, client, contractor, and consultants, contact information and photo credit\/permission. The name of the architect\/firm is not to appear anywhere else in the submitted material. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tTitle: \u201c(your seven-digit entry number) Concealed ID\u201d"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Format: MS Word or text formatted file containing the one-page concealed identification form (not PDF). File name: "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"5.\tFramework for Design Excellence Worksheet:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tThe completed Design Excellence Worksheet contains information on how the completed project met the goals and objectives of the program, as well as how it measures up to the aspirations of AIA\u2019s Design Excellence criteria."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tFormat: MS Word or text formatted file in the worksheet format."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tTitle: \u201c(your seven-digit entry number) Framework for Design Excellence\u201d"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Delivery"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Electronic files can be submitted in these ways: "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tUpload using the AIA Wisconsin Hightail uplink, "],[0,[3],1,"https:\/\/\/uplink\/AIAW"],[0,[],0," , Upload files individually. Do not upload folders or zip files. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tMail a flash drive to AIA Wisconsin, 321 S. Hamilton St, Madison, WI 53703. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\u2022\tDo not email files. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"AIA Wisconsin will print the Display Image, Project Description and Framework Worksheet for use by jurors in conjunction with electronic project files. AIA Wisconsin will not accept responsibility for errors in submitted material. By making a submission, each entrant certifies that the statements and information contained in these documents are true, accurate and complete, and permission has been obtained from the photographer(s) to publish the submitted photographs and electronic images for publicity in the interest of the profession. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Inquiries"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Contact AIA Wisconsin at, (608) 257-8477 with any questions."]]],[1,"p",[]]]}
2021 Design Awards Entry


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