John Savona, AIA, Director

Submitted by clongobardi@ai… on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 21:56
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Mr. Savona is a Registered Architect with over 25 years of experience in the construction industry. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University at Buffalo. He began his career with BBL Construction Services where he worked on a broad spectrum of projects including; retail, healthcare, education, and housing across the northeast. He then spent a better part of his career with SRG Architects where he worked on several notable local projects including the Albany International Airport Terminal reconstruction, while also managing various aspects of the firm. Mr. Savona is currently an Architect with the Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY) where he manages designs for various client agencies like SUNY, DOH, and OPWDD while providing support towards advancing policy goals of New York State. In 2007, Mr. Savona was involved in a collaborative effort between several core NYS Agencies where he provided technical support towards crafting legislation in support of NYS Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards. He lives in Niskayuna with his wife and 3 boys and enjoys skiing, hiking, and biking with his family every chance he gets. As a former president of AIAENY, Mr. Savona joined the Board to advance several strategic goals with respect to People, Purpose, and Partnerships. People - our members and community. Purpose - defining individual and collective value. Partnerships \u2013 creating connections with a common purpose that can promote engagement, confidence, and inspiration. He believes that combined, these goals can orchestrate an adaptive and integrative process aimed at advocating innovation and regenerative thinking in a co-creative, transparent, and collaborative manner that continually improves the quality of our organization for our members and our community."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,""]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,""]]]]}
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