Size-up any space quickly with MagicPlan

Submitted by digital on Fri, 08/21/2015 - 19:45
{"version":"0.3.0","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[["a",["href","http:\/\/\/english\/index.html","target","_new"]],["strong"],["b"],["a",["href","http:\/\/\/us\/app\/magicplan\/id427424432","target","_new"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.sensopia.magicplan","target","_new"]],["a",["href","https:\/\/\/eweb\/DynamicPage.aspx?WebCode=KCLoginEdit","target","_new"]],["i"]],"sections":[[1,"h2",[[0,[],0,"\n\nCreate and export accurate plans with MagicPlan"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"MagicPlan"],[0,[],0," is an app used to create floor plans and measure\nexisting spaces. Using your device\u2019s camera and internal gyroscope, the app\ncreates dimensionally accurate plans of existing spaces. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Usage:"],[0,[],0," The app will initially prompt the user to calibrate the device being used by\nlaying it flat on a level surface. Once calibrated, it then allows you to\ndownload, practice, or create plans. The concept is easy to understand, and\nthere is plenty of tutorial information to aid in the process. The application\nhas plenty of preset information and \u201citems\u201d to populate your floor plans. You are required to set up a free MagicPlan\naccount to access most of the app\u0027s useful elements, but the basics do not\nrequire payment or account creation."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2],1,"Pros:"],[0,[],0," With proper\ncalibration and practice, MagicPlan can be proficient at creating plans. It\nprovides many in-app videos to demonstrate how to make use of its features. The\nplans created are fairly accurate, but they do rely on a proper calibration\nprocess. It\u2019s most accurate on smaller spaces like residential-sized rooms. You\nalso have the option to export your plan as a PDF, JPEG, DXF, CVS, PNG or SVG. "]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2,1],2,"Cons:"],[0,[],0," The primary setback is cost.\nThe free version allows you to create plans and share them with other MagicPlan\naccount users on an unlimited basis but exporting the plans to others can be\ncostly: Single exports cost $2.99 per plan; subscriptions for unlimited exports\ncost $10\/month or $100\/year. Another issue is the cumbersome nature of getting\nall the information into the plan as you rotate around the room. Placing doors,\nwindows, and other elements can be a challenge. In essence, the larger the\nspace the greater the risk of error."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[2,1],2,"Platforms:"],[0,[1],1," "],[0,[3],1,"iOS"],[0,[],0," \u0026 "],[0,[4],1,"Android"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Additional Resources: "],[0,[],0,"Join the "],[0,[5],1,"AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community"],[0,[],0," to receive alerts on upcoming webinars."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[6],1,"Andrew Hawkins, AIA, is the founder and\nprincipal of Hawkins Architecture, based in College Station, Texas."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[6],1,"The AIA does not sponsor or endorse any\nenterprise, whether public or private, operated for profit. Further, no AIA\nofficer, director, committee member, or employee, or any of its component\norganizations in his or her official capacity, is permitted to approve,\nsponsor, endorse, or do anything that may be deemed or construed to be an\napproval, sponsorship, or endorsement of any material of construction or any\nmethod or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material\nor product."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"\n\n\n\n"]]]]}
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Swiftly create and export dimensionally accurate plans using your smart device and MagicPlan
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